Ice age adventures of buck wild logo
Ice age adventures of buck wild logo

I would be more forgiving if the film was funny, and it's not. It just didn't feel like a polished screenplay. Even Crash and Eddie's character development is most delegated to a montage before the big climax at the end of the film. For example, after Buck saves Crash and Eddie from being trampled to death by dinosaurs, he bombards them with exposition about Orson and the main conflict of the film. It's also a film that doesn't feel very well written too. The whole film feels like it mostly retreads ideas and themes that were covered in the previous films and it doesn't do anything unique or interesting with them. These are sidekick characters at best and putting them front and center was a dreadful mistake. For a film that claims to revolve around Buck Wild, the film instead decides to focus on Crash and Eddie who were not my favorite characters in the saga and do not work as protagonists here. You would think that a film centered around the scene-stealing titular weasel from the third film would be fun and sadly you'd be wrong. The whole film mostly goes from scene to scene without any surprises or thrills to be found or not feeling fun at all. While the story is certainly not as ridiculous as the fourth and fifth films, its main problem is that it's both predictable and mostly boring. Going into this film, I wasn't expecting much but I was still surprised by just how unimpressive this film was. As another animated film, it's not very good.

ice age adventures of buck wild logo

Let's put aside all of those details and just look at the film as another brand new animated film.

ice age adventures of buck wild logo

Let's put aside the fact that this is yet another "Ice Age" film and let's also put aside the fact that this film is being made by Disney less than a year after they shut down the studio behind the series, Blue Sky Studios, and that Disney is using the IPs made by them and branding them as their own.

Ice age adventures of buck wild logo